make a donation
It can be difficult to connect to a cause that doesn’t directly affect you but it could help a colleague or a neighbour curious about Islam and your friend that’s recently become Muslim.
New Beginnings UK is a registered charity
in England. (1195427)
how donations
are used
• Yearly Eid parties for converts and their families • Welcome/Shahadah packs for converts • Regular free classes • Conversion certificates • Wellbeing and counselling • Technical equipment to provide our service • Spiritual retreats and trips • Fees for teachers and guest speakers • Administrative expenses
Ramadan Campaign
My 10 Nights campaign
Don’t miss the night that is better than a thousand months by automating your donation across the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Visit to attain rewards beyond measure!
Current Campaign
small change, big impact
In celebration of our third anniversary, we’ve launched the New Beginnings donor programme to help us continue to grow and support our community. By clicking the link below and agreeing to give just a minimum of £3 a month (70p per week), your small change could make a big difference.
1. Click here and sign up to our monthly donor programme
2. Donate a minimum of £3 each month to support our work (select GiftAid)
3. Share this message with family and friends.
Donate today and let’s support new Muslims together.
Ongoing Campaign
launchgood campaign
You can also donate via the Muslim-led crowdfunding platform, LaunchGood. Visit to donate and support Muslim-led initiatives.
subscribe here
Use this contact form that goes to
or whatsapp us at +447498039698