
Find out more about our social activities and gatherings. We host yearly Eid parties, in-person and online, trips, and discussions.

Spring Retreat

Spring Retreat

Join us for our spring retreat. We will spend 3 days praying, learning, connecting with our Creator, nature, and others, and nourishing ourselves in the beautiful location of Buxton in the Peak District.

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Heart to Heart Conference

Heart to Heart Conference

Heart to Heart is a one-day conference where students have the opportunity to come together in person with their teachers, connect and meet with other students, nurture faith, and strengthen our community.

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Sunday Night Live

Sunday Night Live

A much-needed space to discuss topics relevant to converts and practical ways to strengthen faith held on Sundays only with special guests from the convert community.

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Scafell Pike Hike

Scafell Pike Hike

Join us for our annual fundraising hike. This year we will be taking on the challenge of England’s highest mountain, Scafell Pike in the Lake District guided by Utrek.

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Eid Online

Eid Online

Eid is a special time for Muslims to come together and celebrate. We know from first-hand experience how hard it is for converts around Eid time, a time that should be...

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Eid al-Adha Party 2023

Eid al-Adha Party 2023

Join us for our annual Eid Gala. An exciting opportunity for converts to Islam and those interested in Islam, to network, socialise, and have fun over a 3-course meal and enjoy live entertainment to celebrate the blessed day of Eid al-Adha.

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Past Social Events

becoming a

Once you believe that Islam and the Quran
are the truth, the only step is to declare
that belief by stating, “I bear witness that
there is none worthy of worship except
Allah and that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.” This is called the
“Testification of Faith (shahadah)”…

certificate of
conversion (shahadah)

This will be issued only to those people who
take their shahadah and convert with us. Proof
of identity and address will be required as well
as a signature. If you cannot be present to
provide a signature, then we can post the
certificate to you…

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or whatsapp us at +447498039698