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Lauren’s Story

Lauren’s Story

Finding Peace in the Holy Land is a perfectly timed memoir told with brisk honesty and sharp humour. Sweeping from the suburbs of North London to the olive groves of...

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Khalil’s Story

Khalil’s Story

It is the mid-1970s, Sunday morning, in a comfortable middle-class catholic church in Edgware, halfway through the service, I see a tired, distressed, dirty looking man come...

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Claire’s Story

Claire’s Story

For the last 10 years, Islam has been in my peripheral as I explored what I believed; steadily finding the confidence and conviction to admit I believed in a higher power,...

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Zahara’s Story

Zahara’s Story

I took my shahada[1] in September 2010 but my interest in Islam had started about a year before. I always had a connection to God growing up even though neither of my...

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Sofia’s Story

Sofia’s Story

I met my fiancé, Muhammad, four years ago while studying at University, we were both on the same course and got to know each other well. At the time I had very few Muslim...

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Jade’s Story

Jade’s Story

My journey to Islam was a long one. It started (unbeknownst to me) when I became pregnant at 16. When I was 3 months pregnant, I told my boyfriend that I wanted to get our...

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media coverage

video stories


Sumaya - Reconnecting with the Heart #shorts #converts #newbeginnings #interview #culture #reverts

becoming a

Once you believe that Islam and the Quran
are the truth, the only step is to declare
that belief by stating, “I bear witness that
there is none worthy of worship except
Allah and that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.” This is called the
“Testification of Faith (shahadah)”…

certificate of
conversion (shahadah)

This will be issued only to those people who
take their shahadah and convert with us. Proof
of identity and address will be required as well
as a signature. If you cannot be present to
provide a signature, then we can post the
certificate to you…

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