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We’re excited to invite you to our summer barbecue and hike meet-up, a fantastic event for everyone to enjoy great food, activities, and good company.

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Firm Foundations Level 2

Firm Foundations Level 2

Firm Foundations is a free 10-week online course in order for converts, especially those who are new, to learn the very fundamental aspects of Islam. Level 2 builds on the...

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Find out more about our Marrakech Marathon fundraiser and register here. Spend 3 days exploring the historical city of Marrakech and raising funds for a good cause. Your Run, Your Impact, Your Journey.

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Understanding Zakah

Understanding Zakah

A 3-part course, for converts, new or old, and those exploring Islam. The course details the correct method of paying one’s zakah and its spiritual dimensions.

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The last of the core pillars of Islam is the obligation to perform pilgrimage to Mecca, known as hajj, once in a lifetime if one is financially and physically able to do so. The Quran says, “To Allah is an obligation on people to perform pilgrimage to the House, whoever is able to find a way to do so.”

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Fasting Ramadan

Fasting Ramadan

One of the core pillars of Islam is the obligation to fast during the month of Ramadan based on the Quranic injunction: “You who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become righteous.”

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The third of the five core pillars of Islam is to pay an amount of one’s wealth to charitable causes, known as zakah in Arabic. The Quran commands Muslims to pay the zakah in several places in the Quran and praises those who “give out from what they have been provided with”

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One of the five core pillars of Islam is to establish five daily prayers, known as salah in Arabic. God instructs Muslims to establish salah 16 times directly and highlights its importance several other times throughout the Quran.

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The shahadah means “testification” or “witnessing” in Arabic. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Islam is based on five things: Testification that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and messenger, establishing the prayer, giving zakah, fasting Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the House”

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media coverage

video stories


Sumaya - Reconnecting with the Heart #shorts #converts #newbeginnings #interview #culture #reverts

becoming a

Once you believe that Islam and the Quran
are the truth, the only step is to declare
that belief by stating, “I bear witness that
there is none worthy of worship except
Allah and that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.” This is called the
“Testification of Faith (shahadah)”…

certificate of
conversion (shahadah)

This will be issued only to those people who
take their shahadah and convert with us. Proof
of identity and address will be required as well
as a signature. If you cannot be present to
provide a signature, then we can post the
certificate to you…

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